
These tables list the top users of orac ordered by their number of problems solved (i.e. scored 100%).

  • 1angus763
  • 2dorian585
  • 3programmer123538
  • 4Double_Slash522
  • 5horiseun494
  • 6caterpillow482
  • 7lion468
  • 8awu462
  • 9Ghetto441
  • 10Matthewwww433
  • 11user425
  • 12evanl417
  • 13Lithanium400
  • 14davinformatics386
  • 15Uasoni2380
  • 16TheEpicCowOfLife377
  • 17dumpy372
  • 18dusky365
  • 19ndosh362
  • 20henryho2354
  • 21WenDidIAsk347
  • 22testcoder312
  • 23SirLemonMeringue309
  • 24numb3r5299
  • 25junkbot286
  • 26Supermarine_Spitfire278
  • 27newai270
  • 28loctildore261
  • 29BigD248
  • 30Gomango999227

    Last Week

  • 1JustinWang50
  • 2Yinhao17
  • 3Axcellant14
  • 4OceanHe9
  • 5jizongzhang7
  • 5Blue__7
  • 5lsjo7
  • 8PenguinStalker76
  • 8LiquifiedNonkey6
  • Last Month

  • 1JustinWang136
  • 2newai119
  • 3amanda95
  • 4Muyao_Zhang61
  • 5jizongzhang51
  • 6PenguinStalker735
  • 7Vincent33
  • 8chood_programmer28
  • 9user24
  • Last Year

  • 1caterpillow464
  • 2Double_Slash333
  • 3Lithanium309
  • 4junkbot283
  • 5Supermarine_Spitfire269
  • 6Matthewwww267
  • 7dusky261
  • 8TheEpicCowOfLife229
  • 9Uasoni2213